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Thursday, 16 February 2012

Our first Blog

Welcome to the JC WARD {creative} Blog. This is our first venture into 'blogging' for our own purposes and it's rather exciting.

What to write and the subject matter is uppermost on our mind at the moment. So we hope that you like the posts that we will be issuing and will join in.

We are aware, as we use web technologies for many of our clients, that all forms of digital communications build up the fragmented picture of an organisations full digital marketing plan. This is no less the case for us!

Modern high speed communication through the web or mobile applications is a mind-boggling prospect. Any or all of the possible media channels may the right way to get your personal or business profile out to a wider audience. So it is for us, as for many other individuals or businesses, that we take the next step in getting a little more information out there about who we are and what we are about.

It's no small prospect to start a Blog and it's worth considering whether it's the right thing for you or your company. Having thought for a long time now about what is right for us, we came to the conclusion that, in this instance, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Our posts will generally relate to issues and developments in design and web technologies, things we like and subjects close to our heart. So we hope that you will like what we have to say and will join us in this adventure called the JC WARD {creative} Blog.